Saturday, March 1

Batman next-gen: an index more?

Rocksteady will announce something. We knew, and we had wind again in the beginning of this month when a reporter was in the studios. This journalist was saying that he was not entitled to speak before a month, and everyone expects an imminent announcement.
Today, it is a photo of a Batman insert for GameStop stores who arrived on the Internet. From Kotaku information according to sources of employees, these visuals should be used next week. A poster with the name "Zeppelin" would have also been received and could have a link with all that. Another employee also sent them a picture of the software they use and which shows an output of a mystery for October 8, 2014 game.
The latest Batman games were released in October, and anyway we will check everything very soon when the new Game Informer cover will be broadcast. This is more than a matter of days!

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