Friday, December 26

Kim Dotcom saved Xbox from the Lizard Squad attack

All of you who just got your Xbox One or PlayStation 4 for Christmas can now connect to Xbox Live or PSN. The recent DDoS attacks from Lizard Squad have taken the services offline, but have since stopped

Kim Dotcom, a self-proclaimed hacker and internet entrepreneur known for his Mega cloud storage service, offered special vouchers as a peace offering and Lizard Squad happily accepted it. The deal involved an undisclosed amount of lifetime Mega memberships with 500GB of storage. If the attacks on Xbox Live or PSN, for whatever reason, were to resurface, the Mega memberships would be terminated.

Lizard Squad revealed on Twitter that they have stopped the attack and have gone dark as a result. Will they pop back up and attack another service? Who knows, but it is a huge possibility. Xbox Live service status is still limited at the time of this post, but we expect it to be back to normal once the morning hits in the United States. Hopefully gamers can finally enjoy their new Xbox One or PS4 -- thanks to KimDotcom.

Hi @LizardMafia, I want to play on XBOX Live. I'll give your entire crew Mega lifetime premium vouchers if you let us play. Cool?

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