Friday, March 28

No play between Xbox One and PC according to Gaijin Entertainmen

Anton Yudintsev home Gaijin Entertainment told GameSpot that the game War Thunder did not come out on Xbox One.
According to him, the Xbox One is technically capable of supporting cross -platform gaming (Xbox and PC ), but Microsoft does not currently allow .
PS4 version of the game is already available in Europeand support cross -play . The reason this feature has yet to be implemented from a problem that engineers are currently working at Sony .
Anton Yudintsev also explains that " Sony is more open to independent developers and free-to -play games in general. Sony went to the market free- to-play for a few years now. They started on the PS3. " He added that Microsoft has limitations such as if you want to release a free- to-play game, you must speak to a account manager and there is no single set of rules . You should talk to the account manager and the rules depend on it . If he likes your game , it is approved , otherwise it is deprecated. "This is the only person who can say if the game is good or bad ," he said, adding that in his opinion it is not the right way of doing things and it is wrong to let one person determine the quality of a game since each game has its own audience .
Anton is against Yudintsev aware that things are changing in the right direction , especially with the arrival of the program ID @ Xbox. "Microsoft needs to change, and they change. The key is that they understand the need for change, they will. We'll see. I hope we get on Xbox One someday too . I have nothing against a specific platform because I am not of those who are wondering which is the best between the PS4 and Xbox One . I do not care . It's just hardware . Ultimately, it is the quality of the game and the gameplay experience , " he concluded .

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