Monday, May 12

Xbox One: Crytek shares his secrets for better control console

Since the arrival of the PS4 and Xbox One, many players to get excited about other resolutions and refresh rates of new generation games such as comparing version with another. And so far, the PS4 often showed a slight advantage. It is in this context that Crytek wants to share his secrets to better control the Microsoft console .

Available since the launch of Xbox One, Ryse : Son of Rome , developed by Crytek , running at a resolution of 900p and 30 frames per second. Of course, the console can probably do better, but the title still enjoys the know-how of the studio and is still today one of the most impressive new generation games.

Contacted by GamingBolt , Crytek says their secrets concerning the management of CryEngine , the game engine , and ESRAM Xbox One.

CryEngine has a new and unique solution (...) everything is in Ryse : Son of Rome. One of the problems when we use a system of " deferred shading " is that it is very heavy on bandwidth .

It becomes exponentially worse when the lights overlap because it created a considerable number of readings and redundant opeyrations. In Ryse , our engineers have created a system called " tiled shading " that benefits the capabilities of Xbox One.

Simply put, Crytek has developed a system that divides tasks for Xbox One better treat them. It saves bandwidth and facilitates improved graphics rendering . Ingenious, is not it?

It remains to be hoped that it will be popularized on the next productions to further optimize the resources of the Xbox One.

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