Friday, December 12

Xbox One: Microsoft promises "surprises"

Aaron Greenberg, the games marketing manager "first" and "third party"  at Microsoft, recently found in discussion on Twitter about the catalog of games already out and coming to Xbox One.  Aaron Greenberg slipped a little phrase that has something to attract attention:

  1. @aarongreenberg There's Tomb Raider, Witcher 3, Quantum Break, Halo 5, and I'm sure I forgot like half of the games.
@galactic_bear we have surprises planned too. :-)

Greenberg also mentioned that the console also topped next gen software sales: 

@MayorKacho thanks, we also appreciate all the fans who bought games & made us #1 in nov nextgen SW sales according to
@Steverulez been a great time here, making plans for another record year in 2015!
@HeyCharliesHere we will not stop, games games games games games! :-)
@K_Alex1 thank you, a big month and we appreciate everyone who supported us. We will work hard to bring you many more great games

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