Wednesday, November 26

Halo The Master Chief Collection: Microsoft is sorry for the problems of matchmaking

One of the principal promises done by Halo:  The Master Chief Collection is to propose a single one and unique matchmaking grouping together the maps multijoueur pulled of the four first numbered episodes of Halo.  

Unfortunately for the fans of Master Chief, many problems nuisent currently to the quality of the experience of online game as for example the difficulty to rejoin groups of friends or to find sessions of game.  Facing the legitimate one scolds players, Bonnie beat up, the person in charge of 343 Industries, published an open letter on the site Xbox Wire in which she presents the excuse of his studio and explains the taken measures to remedy the problem.  Here some extracts translate of this letter:

"November 11 last one, we marketed Halo:  The Master Chief Collection.  The objective of the game was to create a homage to the fans of Halo through the world, and to celebrate the arrival of Master Chief on Xbox One.  Since the initial launch of Halo:  The Master Chief Collection we do not have on the other hand proposed the experience that you deserve.  To this subject, I present you personally my excuse on the part all the team of 343 Industries.  Our team is ready to work 24 hours on 24 until all these problems are resolved.

While our team works on continual improvements and the solution research, my engagement with you is that we will take care of all the possessors of Halo:  The Master Chief Collection.  Our first and constant objective previously to correct the current problems.  Once that does, we will detail the manner with which will repair ourselves the caused wrongs.

Side of the matchmaking, we did facing unexpected concerns that had not appeared in the environment of internal test.  The latter had for consequence to create a frustrating experience that understands long times of matchmaking and a weak rate of success of session.  I can assure you that within 343 Industries and Xbox, resolve these problems is our priority number 1.  We continue to do body with the team platform Xbox to analyze all the data in order to do the adjustments of the side of the waiters with the intention of to continue to improve the experience of matchmaking.  We prepare equally of the updated additional that will correct the existing problems linked to the country, the interface user, and of other concerns, in order to improve the experience in his body.  At the time of every updated, we will analyze the data with attention in order to confirm that the improvements that we note internally produce themselves equally with our fans."

In the remainder of the letter, Bonnie beat up explains that of multiples modifications will be carried out on the waiters of the game.  The users will have of their side to download several updated.  The first one of them is currently in phase of test and should be published later this week.

To note that slave over it of 343 Industries evokes in his letter of the compensations when she says "we will detail the manner with which will repair ourselves the caused wrongs."  It is therefore possible to wonder how Microsoft counts to do itself to forgive with the players (free DLC? silly of Halo 5:  Lengthened Guardians?  Subscriptions to the Xbox Live Gold free?).

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