In the United States, Sony and Microsoft both spend a lot of money to talk about their respective console. And obviously can not spend more to earn more., a company specializing in monitoring and analysis of advertising campaigns, reports that from January 1 to October 21, 2014, Microsoft spent $ 47 million (approximately EUR 37 million) in television commercials in the United States. For its part, Sony has spent "only" $ 30 million (about 24 million).
Also according, supported by the VentureBeat site, Microsoft has released 5,000 commercials for nearly 1,000 programs present on 37 different channels. Sony has meanwhile merely 3,000 spots aired on 25 channels for more than 500 programs. Note that in the case of Sony, joint advertising with Activision about Destiny were not counted.
These data are particularly interesting when set against their benefits. analysis indeed "online actions" generated by running ads: research on search engines, sharing viral advertisements, and mentions on social networks. And at this point, Sony is ahead of Microsoft. PS4 advertisements caused 5.49 million shares online, against 4.65 million for spots Xbox One.
It therefore appears that the amount spent is not proportional to the benefits. The fact that Sony spends less than Microsoft in advertising also suggests that the Japanese manufacturer is satisfied in part from positive word of mouth currently enjoyed his console.
Forcing made by Microsoft shows meanwhile the US giant has not throw in the towel and let sit his rival domination. The online reactions indicate, however, that Microsoft's interest to review its strategy.
FYI, here are the top five programs in which the Xbox One more ads were aired:
- NFL Football
- World Cup 2014 FIFA
- Talking Dead
- MLB Baseball
- Family Guy
Same information regarding advertisements PS4:
- NFL Football
- Sportscenter
- Fox Sports Live
- Family Guy
- WWE Monday Night Raw
Of course, advertising expenditures holiday season may explode and thus upset the data. However, the statistics mentioned above will still get an idea of the practices of both companies in terms of advertising.
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