The patch detail
Respawn promised to integrate the management of private matches for Titanfall and it is now done. The developer announces the release of a large patch that fixes not behaving badly and the arrival of private matches. It warns us that these tests and some features are not yet completed or implemented. Function match is in private beta .
- Private matches support from February to December with 1-6 players per team .
- You can invite your friends to join or leave you anytime .
- Any map or game mode can be selected in private match
- You can choose your team
- There will be no gain XP or achievements to unlock via private matches (logical)
- For the beta, there is no leader of the lobby, everyone can change the options or start the countdown to the game.
- All private games are still hosted on the cloud Xbox Live , like other
- New options such as score limit or the time of a round will be added in future updates.
Other improvements on Xbox One
- Team Color : Titans and your teammates are displayed on a mini- map in green instead of blue to distinguish them from others. Their names also appear on the HUD .
- The latest version of the game is now displayed at the bottom left of the screen. You'll know if you 're up to date on the latest patches .
- The " Multiplayer " menu is now the default menu private lobby if you have completed the IMC and militia campaigns.
- Adding a shortcut to each game menu which opens the Party applying the Xbox One by pressing the left trigger on the controller. It's faster than going through the host console screen to find the application.
Change gains points Domination
The developers wanted to encourage players fighting to win points . Here are the changes :
- Capture a control point changes from 150 to 250 XP
- Assistance to capture checkpoint pass 75-100 XP
- Neutralize a control point changes from 50 to 150 XP
- Assistance to neutralize a checkpoint pass from 25 to 75 XP
- Kill a player within a checkpoint enemies pass of 75-50 XP
- Kill an enemy player within a point of enemy control ( from outside or inside) goes from 75 to 50 XP
- Kill a player AI enemies inside a checkpoint pass from 25 to 10 XP
- Kill player outside or inside of a friend passes checkpoint of 75-50 XP
- Kill an AI player outside a friend pass checkpoint from 25 to 10 XP
- Defend a control point changes from 75 to 25 XP
- Capture a flag reports 500 points instead of 400 points
- Return the flag earn 250 points instead of 100 points
- Kill the flag carrier earn 150 points instead of 100 points
Various and sundry bugs are also fixed in this update
- Fixed an issue where a Titan firing ordnance would not show on the minimap correctly.
- Fixed a rare bug with Pilot health pools that would make them virtually invincible.
- Fixed rare cases where Titans could be called in through solid geometry.
- Titan shields now protect friendly rodeo players from explosion damage (such as from an Arc Cannon).
- Fixed a case where a Pilot could embark a Titan through walls.
- Spitfire LMG and XO-16 firing sounds will no longer sometimes cut off before the gun is finished firing.
- The Archer now locks onto the top of a heavy turret rather than the base of the turret.
- The Archer’s rockets now home in on Titans correctly when those targets are kneeling.
- Fixed shadows incorrectly shimmering on a particular area of Lagoon.
- Fixed Satchel Charges and Particle Walls causing pilots to permanently rodeo other pilots.
- Fixed certain characters not rendering properly in French and other languages.
- Fixed an issue where « Initializing... » would be displayed if a server wasn’t found.
- Fixed being unable to scroll to the top of the datacenter list after scrolling down.
- Greatly reduced the bandwidth used when connecting to a server. People who previously could not progress past the load-screen when connecting to servers should be able to play now.
- Grunts now show up on the minimap when they shoot.
- Fixed a rare full-screen blue/red flash.
- Audio should no longer overlap after going to the Xbox dashboard and back into Titanfall.
- Fixed a crash when saying « Xbox go back » on certain menus.
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