Friday, March 21

Xbox Live: Microsoft want to reward players reputable

It was at the Game Developers Conference Frank Savage , Director of Development and Partnerships , said that Microsoft sought " to actively encourage players to be more fair play " . Indeed, he emphasized that the algorithm Xbox Live reputation could distribute gifts " to players with whom everyone wants to play ." This would be the way the manufacturer would have to say " thank you for being a good member of the community."

Since the launch of the Xbox One, the U.S. giant has introduced a new reputation system that ranks players who continue to annoy others and , for now, the reward plan is currently being considered automatically. It will take time to become a reality , hence allowing a few months to those who have already managed to get their reputation in the red to the need to become good partners play

System Success Xbox One contains time-limited challenges that reward players include activities that would popularity on Xbox Live could thus allow the unscrupulous to buy a pipe . At the other end of the scale , people who actively participate in multiplayer games while being respectful of others, could in turn recover more credits in the loyalty program online service Xbox .

We will have to wait a few months before Microsoft unveils its decison . How would you like to be rewarded for your fair play ?

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