Thursday, March 27

Watch_Dogs : a Vigilante Premium Edition with exclusive items for PS4 and Xbox One versions

You do not have preordered Watch_Dogs and are always looking for the perfect collector's edition ? Well the English site GAME has the solution!

This Vigilante Premium Edition is exclusive to its online store , and only valid for PS4 and Xbox versions One . The company offers , against £ 109.99 , or about € 133, a variety of accessories and bonus for fans of the game and fans collectors . Here in detail content :

  1. An exclusive box ;
  2. A stamped Watch_Dogs sweat ;
  3. Cap Aiden Pearce ;
  4. The Vigilante mask Aiden Pearce ;
  5. USB stick 4GB shaped credit card;
  6. A CD of the soundtrack of the game;
  7. Three bonus in-game ( Palace Mission Pack Bonus Investigation and ATM Hack Boost) ;
  8. The game boxed .

In addition, there is another Vigilante Edition this time available on PC, PS4 , Xbox One, PS3 , Xbox 360 and Wii U, without the sweat and the USB key, but has the advantage of lower prices and be accessible for all machines . As a reminder, Watch_Dogs is expected on May 27 .

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