Monday, March 17

Titanfall: the maximum level gen 10 reached by a player!

That is, the first player / driver to reach the level 10 in Gen Titanfall became known via Reddit, this is "DownTuClown."
For those unaware, the game has a similar mode of Call of Duty prestige mode. When a player reaches the maximum level, it can start from scratch but "gen 2" and so on until the "Gen 10."
According to statistics of this player, he could reach the gen 10 in 3 days and 9 hours of play, or 81 hours spent on Titanfall. If he bought his U.S. release on March 11, it's still 13 hours of play per day!
As we can see in the pictures, he spent most of his time in the pilot and attrition tracking mode domination mode. He also killed more than 15,000 people and 1400 Titans, And you are what gen?

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