The month of January which enabled some publishers to make their balance sheet, we learn that Capcom was able to generate net income of 5.9 million yen between April and December 2013. This is not really unusual as this represents a decrease of 10% compared to year last over the same period. That said, the firm hopes to reach 6.8 million yen by the end of the fiscal year set to end March 2014.
Set aside figures, the company States that Lost Planet 3 is not well sold. For her, the competition in the Western market is the main cause. On the other hand, DuckTales Remastered has him exceed fixed prior expectations. About Dead Rising 3, we already knew that it had surpassed the one million copies sold. Be aware that it is not the only one since Resident Evil Revelations has done the same. It is sufficient that the firm welcomed this success, especially for a title that is just a remake of a portable opus (3DS).
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